Super Dave Osborne, self-described as the greatest daredevil superstar entertainer of all time, makes his triumphant television return in Spike TV’s “Super Dave’s Spike-Tacular” premiering Saturday, November 14 at 11 p.m. The half-hour, four-week special event will air Tuesdays at 9 p.m., beginning on November 17 and stars Emmy award-winner, Bob Einstein, as Super Dave, as he prepares for a weekly death-defying stunt.
“I was a little hesitant about coming back and risking my life each week, but the only other offer I had was ‘Super & Kate Plus 8,'” said Einstein.
Each week, Super Dave will tackle a terrifying stunt that puts his life on the line and pushes him to the limits. The stunts include attempting to break the NASCAR speed record on a track loaded with explosives, breaking the speed record in the Guinness Book of World Records for a hybrid vehicle, challenging the world’s six greatest paintball players and stepping into the Octagon with former UFC light heavyweight champion, Quinton “Rampage” Jackson. Plus, Super Dave will be visited by several surprise guest-stars throughout the season including Larry David, Sugar Ray Leonard, Jose Canseco, among others.
At, fans will be able to check-out clips from the show highlighting Super Dave’s greatest feats, his weekly joke of the day, as well as the “Spiketacular” celebrity cameos.
Einstein’s “Super Dave” series originally ran on Showtime for five years. He spun off the character into the series,” “Super Dave’s Vegas Spectacular” and “Super Dave’s All Stars” as well as the animated series, “Super Dave: Daredevil for Hire.” He also starred in the feature film The Extreme Adventures of Super Dave.