Syfy, Reunion Pictures and Great Point Media today announced the new mythological drama series, “Olympus,” which will take viewers into the action-packed world of humans, Gods and monsters. The 13-part series of one hour episodes will premiere on Syfy in 2015.
The team behind “Olympus” includes writer Nick Willing (“Tinman,” “Alice,” “Neverland”) and legendary executive producer Robert Halmi Sr. (“Mr. and Mrs. Bridge,” “The Odyssey,” “Gulliver’s Travels”).
“Olympus” will tell the story of how a few brave men and women banished the Gods to the realm of the unconscious – a place they called the Underworld or the Kingdom of Hades. The series will follow the protagonist on his journey as he gradually transforms from a fresh-faced and raw young man through the dramatic experiences of betrayal, love, disappointment, empowerment and exile, until he emerges a ruthless leader of men, and a match for the Gods themselves.
The series is being produced by Reunion Pictures and Olympus TV (London) Limited in association with Great Point Media, and will begin production this summer in Vancouver and London, with the first episode written and directed by Willing. Executive Producers are Robert Halmi Sr. for The Halmi Company, Robert Halmi Jr. and Jim Reeve for Great Point Media and Matthew O’Connor and Lisa Richardson for Reunion Pictures. The series is being marketed and distributed by Content Media Group outside the US, Germany and Canada.
“‘Olympus’ is a fantastic blend of action, intense thrills, creatures and great story telling. It will feature characters from mythology in a way never before imagined,” said Chris Regina, Senior Vice President, Programming, Syfy. “It’s an excellent complement to our roster of programming and we can’t wait to share the adventures of Hero with the Syfy audience.”
“I’m thrilled that the team of Willing, O’Connor and Halmi are together on another exciting Syfy project. With the success of ‘Tinman,’ ‘Neverland’ and ‘Alice,’ we are confident that this will be another epic adventure for television,” stated Halmi Sr.