In the previous episode of Game of Thrones, King Robert Baratheon died of wounds sustained on a boar hunt and Joffrey took over the throne. Ned Stark was imprisoned for attempting to take the throne from Joffrey, and Khal Drogo promised to invade Westeros for Daenerys. What does this next installment have in store? Let’s find out as we recap Game of Thrones season 1 episode 8 ‘The Pointy End’!
Jon Snow

Jon and Samwell returned to Castle Black with two bodies they discovered beyond the Wall. The corpses are quickly identified as two members of the party that went with Bejen, the group noted that the bodies did not seem to be decaying normally. Jon urged Jeor to burn the corpses, but it was to no avail. Later that night, Jon is confined to his quarters after an altercation with Alliser Thorne. Jon heard a scratching noise coming from outside and went to investigate. He found one of the corpses had sprung back to life and was attack Jeor, Jon quickly dispatched of it with a lantern. The pair recounted these events to the rest of the Watch the following morning.
House Lannister (King’s Landing)

The Lannister soldiers began to take all of the people loyal to House Stark prisoner. They quickly the remaining personal guard of Sansa and Arya. Sansa was captured, but Arya managed to escape. Later, Joffrey held court and appointed Janos Slynt the new lord of Harrenhal as a reward for his loyal service to the crown. Joffrey then dismisses Barristan Selmy from the Kingsguard, as Joffrey believes him to be too old to be helpful in protecting the king’s life. Sansa next petitions Joffrey for mercy on behalf of her father, Ned. Joffrey agrees to spare Ned’s life, if Ned’s swears fealty to Joffrey and admits to his treasonous actions against Joffrey. Meanwhile, in the dungeons, Varys visits Ned and informs him that Tyrion is no longer Catelyn’s prisoner and that Cersei does plan on letting Ned live out the rest of his life at the Wall.
House Stark (Winterfell)

Robb received a letter from Sansa pleading with him to come to King’s Landing and swear fealty to King Joffrey. Robb disregarded the letter and gathered his army to head South and take back his father from the clutches of the Lannisters. Later at his army encampment, Robb decided to head to the Twins to meet with the unkind Lord Walder Frey, in order to secure a crossing point over the Trident River.
Daenerys Targaryen

Khal Drogo and his khalasar had begun their march toward the west by raiding a small village. The Dothraki, much to Dany’s disgust, began to kill the men and children and rape the women of the village. Dany managed to convince the Dothraki to stop the raping and she decided to take a women named Mirri Maz Duur to go and attempt to heal the recently wounded Drogo.
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