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When Did Jeffrey Dahmer Get Caught?

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Even after committing a series of heinous crimes, it took a long-long time for officials to nab Jeffrey Dahmer. The Milwaukee Monster was finally apprehended in his own apartment on July 22, 1991. He was active from the year 1978 to 1991. During his reign of terror, he took the lives of 17 males. Apart from killing his victims, he participated in necrophilia and cannibalism. He furthermore had a passion for preserving parts of the deceased’s bodies.

A man named Tracy Edwards was going to be his 18th victim. However, the 32-year-old not only managed to escape, but he even informed cops of Jeffrey Dahmer. After his arrest, the serial killer famously uttered the words,

“For what I did I should be dead.”

What happened on the night Jeffrey Dahmer got caught?

On July 22, 1991, Jeffrey Dahmer approached three men and offered them $100 for clicking their nude photographs. While two of them rejected him, 32-year-old Tracy Edwards saw no harm in accompanying Dahmer to his Milwaukee apartment.

According to a video on The Infographics Show YouTube channel, as soon as the duo entered the apartment, Dahmer unsuccessfully put one handcuff on Edwards. This move made the victim extremely suspicious. Furthermore, Edwards noticed a massive drum in the apartment and even a foul smell all over the place. The 32-year-old even noticed a tape of The Exorcist playing on the serial killer’s TV and realized he had made a huge mistake.

Somehow, Edwards managed to escape and quickly informed the cops that Jeffrey Dahmer tried to kill him. The cops soon reached Dahmer’s apartment and found pictures of dismembered bodies. They even found a severed human head in his refrigerator.

Investigators even discovered the tools he used to kill and dismember victims, along with several human skulls, a human heart, and even human flesh.

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