Milk Pansa Vosbein and Love Pattranite Limpatiyakorn in 23.5 episode 1
Milk Pansa Vosbein and Love Pattranite Limpatiyakorn in 23.5 episode 1 (Photo Credit: GMMTV)

Thai GL Series 23.5 Episode 1 Recap & Spoilers: Sun Comes to Ongsa’s Rescue as She Joins New School

The new Thai GL series 23.5 premiered episode 1 on Friday, March 08, 2024, at 8:30 p.m. ICT on GMM 25. The Thai Drama follows the story of Ongsa (Milk Pansa Vosbein) and how her world is turned upside down when she moves to a new school in a new city and meets Sun (Love Pattranite Limpatiyakorn).

Episode 1 begins with Ongsa trying to hitch a ride on the first day of her new school but fails to get one. However, another student stops by and offers to give her a ride. When the two get there, Ongsa realizes the girl is the same person she’s been following on Instagram, and secretly admiring. City life is a ‘new universe’ for Ongsa as her family moves to Bangkok from Phuket.

Ongsa faints on her first day in her new class, following which her classmates try to wake her up by spraying water. Opening her eyes, she gets flustered seeing Sun in front of her. Later, she exclaims and calls out Sun’s name with her new classmates present. Embarrassed Ongsa then storms out of the class.

The poor girl is put on the spot again when her homeroom teacher tells her to introduce herself to the class in English. Sun, who is observing Ongsa closely, appears concerned. Ongsa’s parents, too, share their concern for her as they discuss how she has no social life and only talks to her dog, Latte.

Sun comes to Ongsa’s rescue once again when she gets hit on and filmed by her seniors. The vice student president tries to save Ongsa, but she ends up getting injured. Like a guardian, Sun rushes to get Ongsa out of the situation.

23.5 episode 1 recap: Sun mistakes Earth for a guy after DM

Sun then gives Ongsa a ride back home and notices she’s having a nosebleed. Sun comforts Ongsa by telling her how she felt lost when she joined middle school. She tells her good things can happen even when one thinks nothing is going right. Ongsa feels better after hearing Sun’s warm words.

Sun then proceeds to take a photo of the beautiful blue sky. While she admires the sky, Ongsa admires Sun. She then posts the sky’s photo on her Instagram story and puts an ‘Add Yours’ prompt writing, “Share a photo of the sky in your phone.” Ongsa sees the story and adds a photo she took of a smiling moon and stars. The photo gets Sun’s attention, and she checks out the profile that added it, unaware that it is Ongsa behind the Earth username. She finds the anonymous posts and captions funny yet creative and follows it back.

Understandably, Ongsa is equally shocked and excited when she sees Sun has followed her back. She then tries to send her a DM, and after multiple attempts, she sends a simple ‘goodnight.’ Assuming that Sun is not going to reply to a ‘nobody’ like her, Ongsa goes to sleep. A ‘good morning’ notification awaits her from Sun when she wakes up.

When Ongsa gets to school the next day, she notices the students are being strange. Her classmates then rush to tell Ongsa that her video from the day before has gone viral on social media. While Ongsa has yet another breakdown, her elder sister Alpha confronts the boys who bullied and filmed her. Ongsa’s cousin Aylin tells her to ignore what others say about her. Ongsa’s new classmates and Sun are concerned when she gets to class. Then, the homeroom teacher brings in the seniors and makes them apologize to Ongsa for treating her badly.

Sun and Earth (Ongsa) then begin to talk to over DMs. However, Sun assumes that is a boy behind those messages.

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