Paramount released a new Terminator Genisys trailer and a batch of new pictures this morning and it’s the screen capture above from the trailer that has me scratching my head. There hasn’t been much when it comes to this new installment in the Terminator franchise that has gotten me excited. In fact, each and every time something new is revealed it seems there is a new flaw revealed and I have to ask, Just what the hell is that above?
Didn’t they learn from the CGI Arnold Schwarzenegger in Terminator Salvation? Did they really need to do it again? And why does he look like he’s made of plastic? Could that possibly be intentional?
Watch the trailer below and check out the new pictures mixed with a few you’ve seen before and let me know how you’re feeling about this new movie. While I’ll be hoping for the best when it hits theaters on July 1, this is one movie that has really done its absolute best to lower my expectations to zero leading up to its release.