‘House of Cards’ Second Season Teaser Trailer

Netflix has announced the second season of “House of Cards” will be made available on February 14, 2014 and to commemorate the moment a teaser trailer has been released featuring Robin Wright smoking a cigarette. You know, because… art.

I can hardly remember how the first season ended so I’m sure I’ll have to check out some sort of recap piece, but I guess that will happen when you sit down and binge watch 12 hours of the show over the course of a couple days in order to write a review.

I do remember being partially let down by the ending of the first season, but that’s partially because I thought it was only going to be a 12-episode story. I didn’t expect a second season when I started watching or, for that matter, when I stopped. Hopefully this second season ends with a little more satisfaction, especially since we already know this is likely to be the series’ last episode.

It’s already been confirmed David Fincher didn’t return to direct any of the second season episodes, though it has been reported Jodie Foster will helm an episode.

[yt id =”1lc6QzxTeZM” width=”610″]

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