Directed by Julian Jarrold (Becoming Jane) and starring Toby Jones as Alfred Hitchcock and Sienna Miller as Tippi Hedren, HBO’s “The Girl” centers on the making of Hitchcock’s The Birds and the relationship between the director and his star based on Donald Spoto’s book “Spellbound By Beauty”.
The film will debut on HBO on October 20 and along with Jones and Miller it co-stars Imelda Staunton, Carl Beukes and Penelope Wilton as it focuses on the director’s obsessive relationship with his leading lady during the making of The Birds and Marnie. As he attempted to sculpt Hedren into the perfect Hitchcock blonde of his imagination, he became obsessed with the impossible dream of winning the real woman’s love. Her rejection of his misguided attempts only added to his obsession, putting both their careers and personal lives in jeopardy.
Today I bring you eight pictures from the upcoming film along with the first trailer