Happy Birthday Stanley Kubrick… What a Trailer for ‘2001’ Would Look Like Today

Stanley Kubrick would have been 84-years-old today had we not lost the master filmmaker in March of 1999. Thankfully, his films live on for us to appreciate today and for many years to come. However, what if Kubrick were alive today? Have you ever considered what his films might look like?

Film School Rejects has taken the time to consider what a trailer for his films might look like and has done a spectacular job conjuring up a modern trailer for Kubrick’s classic, 2001: A Space Odyssey.

Considering Kubrick had control over the marketing of his movies as well, this would have likely never come to pass, but as a reminder of the flash, bang, whiz, zing, woopity-woo that is the marketing of films today, had today’s studio marketers gotten their hands on Kubrick’s film this is almost certainly what it would look like… A sensory overload mess.

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