WHITE NOISE Trailer Hits!

Electronic Voice Phenomena, or EVP for short comes to play the title role in the upcoming Universal Pictures thriller White Noise starring Michael Keaton, while the movie isn’t set to open until January 7, 2005 Universal is getting an early start on promotion as I saw the trailer tonight at a screening for Friday Night Lights and lets just say it had the look of The Ring and sounds of Amityville.

Once the trailer ended it listed a website to visit, AAEVP.com, which oddly enough is not the official site for the movie, which can be found here. Instead this is a site dedicated to electronic voice phenomenon. The site describes EVP as the term traditionally used in the United States to describe the unexpected voices sometimes found on recording media, and as you will soon see in the White Noise trailer this can be turned into quite a freaky situation.

White Noise finds Michael Keaton struggling to recover after the unexplained death of his wife. He becomes obsessed with the extraordinary real-life phenomenon of “EVP” through which anyone with an audio or video recording device can communicate with the dead.

To check out the early trailer click here and enjoy.

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