ComingSoon can exclusively reveal the trailer for The Greatest of All Tina.
The Greatest of All Tina is a new bizarre comedy movie that is written and directed by Brody Gusar. Having been acquired by Freestyle Digital Media, the film stars Krystyna Walters as Tina, Victor Salvatore as Chewbacca, and Leif Gantvoort as Lloyd.
Check out The Greatest of All Tina trailer and poster below (watch more trailers and clips):

When is the release date for The Greatest of All Tina?
The Greatest of All Tina will be available to rent and own on all North American digital HD internet, cable, and satellite platforms on February 25, 2025. It will also be available on DVD on the same date.
“The Greatest of All Tina is the story of a woman struggling with depression who decides that life is too hard, and things will be better off if she becomes her spirit animal, a goat,” the description of the movie reads. “Tina’s trying to keep it together, but her business is failing, her one-year-old is a handful, her husband’s a jerk, and her bills are overdue. Just when she thinks things can’t get worse, she gets evicted and her husband files for divorce. Defeated, she moves in with her mom. While drowning in sorrow, she recalls what the teacher of her Goat Yoga class said: “Be in the now. Be the goat.” Tina takes this advice to heart and decides from now on, she’ll be a goat. Goat Tina’s day consists of basking in the sun and eating grass. Her mom doesn’t know what to do about her new goat-child. Desperate for his family to be normal, Tina’s stepdad whisks her off to a farm hoping she’ll drop the act when she sees what living like a goat is really like. The farmer, Murphy, and his three children treat Tina like livestock, making her graze the fields and sleep in the stables. Tina’s connection with the farmer’s son, mixed with the harsh farm life, makes her wonder if being a goat is all it’s cracked up to be. The Greatest of All Tina takes viewers on a wild and absurd journey filled with unexpected twists and turns.”
The film is produced by Gusar and Walters.
Gusar said in a statement, “Sometimes, when my responsibilities mount and the idea of completing the multitude of tasks before me starts to feel unbearable, I wish that I were a goat, frolicking in the fields and eating grass. It’s somewhat soothing to think that if life is bad, you can run away and escape to the farm, but those who go through with it find, as Tina does, that escape is not always so easy either.”