ComingSoon is debuting an exclusive The Gravity clip from the intense sci-fi thriller helmed and written by Cédric Ido. The movie released in theaters last Friday and is now available digitally and through video-on-demand platforms.
“A mysterious alignment of planets sets the sky ablaze and worries all the inhabitants of the city,” reads the movie‘s synopsis. “A band of teenagers, The Ronins, rule the city and see this planetary event as the possibility of a new era. Daniel (Max Gomis), Joshua (Steve Tientcheu) and Christophe (Jean-Baptiste Anoumon), three childhood friends who have been separated by drug dealing and prison, must unite to confront this gang. After that night, when the sky turned blood red, nothing will ever be the same again …”
Check out the exclusive The Gravity clip below (watch more clips and trailers):
Who stars in The Gravity?
The Gravity was written and directed by Cédric Ido and produced by Emma Javaux. It stars Jean-Baptiste Anoumon, Max Gomis, Steve Tientcheu, Oliver Rosemberg, Thierry Godard, and Hafsia Herzi. T he film is being distributed by Dark Star Pictures and has a runtime of 85 minutes, or one hour and 25 minutes.
You can also watch the clip on YouTube below: