Exclusive D-Day Clip Features Randy Couture & Weston Cage Coppola

Exclusive D-Day clip features Randy Couture & Weston Cage Coppola in WWII film

Cinedigm has provided ComingSoon.net with an exclusive clip for their upcoming World War II film D-Day, starring MMA legends Randy Couture and Chuck Liddell along with Weston Cage Coppola and Jesse Kove. You can check out the clip now in the player below!

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As thousands of Allied soldiers storm the beaches of Normandy in an attempt to change the course of WWII, Lt. General Omar Bradley (Liddell), Lt. Colonel James Rudder (Cage Coppola), First Sgt. Lommell (Kove) and Major Cleveland Lytle (Couture) lead the 2nd Battalion behind enemy lines and into a firefight against an enemy that greatly outnumbers them. Scaling a one-hundred-foot cliff, these heroic rangers battle to secure a strategic position and destroy a battery of German machine gun nests.

D-Day was written by Geoff Meed and directed by Nick Lyon, based on the incredible true story of the elite Army Rangers of the 2nd Battalion. The film was produced by David Michael Latt and executive produced by David Rimawi.

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D-Day will release in select theaters, digitally, and On Demand on September 13. The movie will also be released on DVD later this year.

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