Knocked Up is the master of the aside. For those of you who have never heard the term an “aside” is a short off topic comment (meant as a joke of course). In the aside style method there is no traditional comic setup, it’s not the Wedding Crashers type of joke that has the build up and then the funny. It’s little jabs as opposed to knock out punches and it’s the way comedy is trending these days. If done right it’s very effective, if not life changing, and like 40 Year Old Virgin before it Knocked Up uses the technique very well.
The story? Well c’mon, you know the story. Heigl lets one past the goalie and Seth Rogen (who’s so unknown he doesn’t even have an IMDB thumbnail image) is an unprepared and reluctant father. Really the concept isn’t groundbreaking; you or I could have thought it up over a few rounds of drinks, but the follow through is very good due to a wide array of lesser characters taking turns at carrying the ha-ha load.
As for Seth Rogen, at 25 he looks to be set for the Jack Black career path, an overweight but likeable guy who will get to appear onscreen with smokin’ chicks because life is unfair to women. Heigl is good too; she’s attractive and plays an effective straight girl. Not straight in terms of sexuality, but because she doesn’t really have much in the way of comedy to perform. There’s another insider term for ya. Anyway, her job is to look suitably shocked by her baby daddy’s behavior and to perform the heartwarming dramatic parts when called upon. She achieves that, even though it doesn’t stretch her any more than Grey’s Anatomy. I will say her sex scenes are um.. worthy. It wouldn’t take more than a pulse for most men to enjoy her company.
The problems with Knocked Up are as follows: it doesn’t have the belly laughs. Yes, I have a belly, so where’s my Rogen job? No, instead it has consistent chuckles so it won’t make your stomach muscles seize up from laughter or anything. Yes, I have stomach muscles, where’s my Keira Knightley job? There’s also a shot that occurs three times near the end of the film, during childbirth, which was so unneeded I wish they would have thrown a warning up beforehand. Where we you on that one MPAA? Off fighting smoking I suppose. One thing I can’t ding the movie on is the normally sappy romantic stuff. It never feels sappy, it works, respect.
Now, if you’re reading this review you want to know if Knocked Up is suitable comedic Friday night fare. It is. Date night, friend night, sneak away from your parents and see an R movie night, whatever the case you’ll be pleased with your ticket purchase here. You’ll get to repeat some lines amongst friends later; you’ll get a few dozen laugh worthy moments too. Knocked Up doesn’t win by knock out, but the final verdict is a victory. It seems that sometimes jab after jab is enough to get the job done.