‘Imagine Me and You’ Movie Review (2006)

Imagine Me and You is an undeniably happy film, full of life and brightness that just so happens to waddle into a giant cheesefest. It waddles right over to the “cheese pool” after the first few minutes and splashes happily around for the rest of the film. Imagine Me and You has clever funny dialogue, quasi interesting characters and a smidge of innovation. It also has enormous logic issues, a plot you could predict in four seconds and super Velveeta dripping all over it.

I should probably define what makes a film “cheesy” to me before I go any further. To me the cheddar starts every time a character looks forlornly off into the distance wondering if they’ll ever find love, but knowing they are ever so close… sigh. These scenes always make me laugh because no one does this. People do get sad or lonely but they NEVER have the benefit of a sad song behind them or the time to wander around city parks just feeling all those big time feelings. Most folks have jobs, bills, responsibilities; you know the dreaded “real life” thing. I know if one of my friends found me looking off into the distance wondering what could have been they’d probably ask me if I was having a seizure. I like my global feelings a bit more subtle, otherwise just throw some subtitles up that say, “This character is sad due to the unrequited love that occurred last scene.”

Now, as for Imagine Me and You, the plot is comfy best friend love vs. love at first sight. This is a good conflict so the film could have been amazing. Piper Perabo (last seen by me in Coyote Ugly) is all grown up and is getting married in jolly old England. She meets her florist the day of her wedding and is instantly attracted. Oh BY THE WAY her florist is a hot momma (Lena Headey) too. Yay! I don’t know, I suppose some will find this turn on the romantic comedy delightful but I just felt like they phoned it in because they were dealing with potential lesbian action.

Now the comedy was very good at times too, that’s why it’s getting a tad above average rating. Matthew Goode is excellent in this film as the hubby, he was also pretty swell in Match Point so I see no reason he shouldn’t keep getting work. Piper and Lena also do their best with the source material. Strangely Piper looks just like Jennifer Garner at times, strange because Ms. Garner is a pretty unique looking dame. Perhaps they are sisters from another mister. Anthony Head is also superior as Piper’s Papa, he utters a line which will make you belly laugh from shock.

In the end the film doesn’t score higher because it treats “love” as a mythical being. This is an easy way out for most films. Hey man these crazy kids are in love!!! Look over here!! Whoooooo! This is the romantic comedy road, the flaw which keeps most of them Earth bound. This is a cutesy date movie, a movie you won’t be pissed to see but it’s not a classic effort. The good news is my gal Piper has served her mandatory 5 year suspension after Coyote Ugly and she’s free to pick up juicy parts from here on out. Welcome back you sweet, sweet lass!

Hey you… this movie book has a golden pig on it. Beat that.

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