Mr. Ashton Kutcher/Moore has had an unprecedented rise to success and managed to help propel the aging Demi Moore back into the spotlight, but as her star is dwindling his is rising and here comes Mr. Kutcher in his first non-comedic role, and it is a toss-up as to whether this is a good flick or not, but the doubts are not Ashton’s fault.
The Butterfly Effect is a story where a young man (Kutcher) finds a way to travel back in time and inhabit his childhood body and change the past as he wishes, which is all sparked by one tragic event.
His ultimate goal becomes happiness for not only himself but or the ones he loves, but that turns out not to be as easy as he initially expected.
Kutcher, along with co-star Amy Smart, turns in a worthy performance, but the movie stumbles along the way, with one too many trips back in time and an ending that will either satisfy or turn viewers sour, it is all in the eye of the viewer.
There has been an astounding amount of promotion for this flick across the Net and all over television and the fact that Kutcher seems to be just about on every station will grant this film a big box office figure opening weekend but where will it go from there?
The Butterfly Effect will have the same appeal to audiences as did Final Destination and its subsequent sequel, but its originality is a bit lacking, while some of the sequences and a great scene in which Kutcher’s character mimics an act of stigmata will appeal to audiences people are going to have to ask a few questions.
Without spoiling the movie you have to ask, “Why does he carry on and on with that bat?” and “Why so harsh to the little girl, she is your friend?”
Well maybe you will have the same questions and maybe not, either way this film is up to your opinion, and if you decide to give us a grade please also give us your input.