There is no doubt that comparisons are going to be made with Torque and the Fast and the Furious films but when it comes to comparisons Torque is a big dull dud.
Compared to Torque the Fast and Furious films look like Oscar contenders.
Torque‘s story isn’t the big problem as it is just what you would expect from this kind of a film, it is the way it is told and the “blah” action that drives it to its conclusion.
The basic premise of Torque is that Cary Ford (Henderson) has returned to his hometown to reunite with his girlfriend Shane and settle some unfinished business dealing with drugs and stolen bikes. His plans get jinxed when a disgruntled biker kills the young brother of Trey (Ice Cube) in an attempt to motivate Trey to kill Ford.
Ford is also being chased by the FBI and it will take a little “C.S.I.” maneuvers to get him out of his jam. Like I said, just what you expected?
Well with that said what went wrong? THE ACTION!!!
The action was so dependent upon CGI all excitement was lost, also when people are fighting on two crotch rockets, while driving at 160 mph it is hard to imagine any type of extra maneuvers other than praying for their lives.
Okay so you say that is forgivable, well how about actually getting in a fight while on your bike and doing wheelies and hitting the other bike’s front tire with yours? Oh vicious!
The best way to describe it is “stupid”.
I was excited to see this flick because I was hoping for a little too much from Cube and a little popcorn fun on two wheels, but is what I got instead was an hour and a half of chuckles at how bad this movie was. I can’t recommend you see it in theaters and I can’t recommend you see it ever. If you are a bike fan you will be even more disappointed than I was.
You’ve been warned.