Radio is inspired by true events and just like the characters in the movie you too will be inspired by Radio.
Radio is the story of James Robert Kennedy (a.k.a. Radio) played by Cuba Gooding Jr. who is described by his mother as “the same as everybody else, just a little slower than most.”
Radio makes a habit of pushing his grocery cart filled with trinkets around town and making daily stops at the football field to watch the Hanna High football team practice. One day Coach Jones (Harris) catches his players tormenting Radio and his relationship with the quiet young man begins.
After that day their relationship builds and Radio becomes part of the school scenery and part of the hearts of the people of small town Anderson, South Carolina.
Radio is a change from the normal story about a mentally challenged individual as it doesn’t concentrate on Radio’s handicap but more on the relationship he builds with Coach Jones and everyone he comes in contact with.
Radio was initially inspired by an article in Sports Illustrated written by Gary Smith that caught the eye of, director, Mike Tollin. Inspiration struck him so hard he immediately sought out the rights to the story and once they were his the story of Radio was on its way to becoming a feature film.
Radio’s innocence is contagious and just as you think Radio is finally starting to learn how to cope in normal society Coach Jones says the quote of the movie, “This whole time Radio has been teaching us.”
It is good to see Gooding Jr. in a role that can actually be taken seriously unlike his past roles in movies such as Boat Trip, and combined with Ed Harris the two main roles are taken care of perfectly.
While Radio doesn’t necessarily jerk those tears from your eyes as it seems to be trying to, it is a movie that is a joy to watch.
If you are going for the football, turn around, this story isn’t about football, but if you want a movie for some laughs and a story that is just as fun to hear as I am sure it was to act out then Radio is the one for you.