Legal mastermind John Grisham has brought us several judicial soirees such as The Client and The Firm, and Runaway Jury keeps up with what we have come to expect. Along with great storylines all of Grisham’s books turned movies have come with tremendous casts and this one doesn’t fall short with names such as Cusack, Hackman, Weisz, and Hoffman.
Cusack plays the role of Nick Easter the key juror sitting in on the precedent-setting trial of the century as trial is set to begin in a case versus on of the major gun companies. But with every Grisham trial comes the gruesome twist as the defense team hires the likes of Rankin Fitch (Hackman) to put together the jury of the century to seal the case.
On the other side of Lady Justice is Wendell Rohr (Hoffman), an innocent Southern lawyer wearing his Men’s Warehouse suit as he stands up against the Gucci suits of the legal world.
Easter’s longtime girlfriend (Weisz) spins the story as she plays her boyfriend as the ace of spades in a poker hand that can be bought for a high price.
Technology soon comes into play as identities are revealed and lives are on the line just as the cliff hanger verdict is about to be read.
Runaway Jury is an ultimate movie of good vs. evil and just as you believe one side is evil you’re conscience comes into play and you don’t know where your loyalties lie.
Hoffman carries off the good role to a point where you almost feel sorry for the fragile position he has been put in once he must use his legal expertise versus the defense’s super-detective Rankin Fitch.
Hackman’s portrayal of the amoral slueth is disturbingly realistic as he uses his team of thugs and cyber geeks along with unethical attempts to sway the trial causing jurors to reconsider the lives they have chosen to lead up to this point.
In what may be the first movie to have a courtroom where testimony falls on deaf ears the outside antics of third-parties involved with the case for the payoff take the spotlight away from the lawyers in a legal battle that will leave you on the edge of your seat until the end.
Runaway Jury grabs you with an explosive cast and doesn’t let go of you with a storyline that has you looking around every corner as it gives the legal system even more of a bad name, and makes you truly wonder what goes on behind the scenes of any highly publicized trial.
I wonder if OJ knew Mr. Fitch…