It is being set up as the next Lethal Weapon but it turns out to be no more than a Sunday night movie special.
Harrison Ford and Josh Hartnett manage to bore the audience for the first three quarters of this movie and then in a final blast at the end making me wonder where all the action was to begin with.
Ford and Hartnett play two cops working the Homicide Division for the Hollywood Police Department and having just recently become partners are still learning each others little quirks.
Ford has his many quirks from a relationship with a radio deejay, his off the job failures as a real estate agent, and his movie long journey for money so that his possessions are not repossessed.
Hartnett is a young player using tactics such as yoga to score with as many women as he can and he is having a change of heart towards his life as a cop. It is made apparent that he became a cop since his father was before him but he is seriously considering a life as an actor.
You are probably wondering where all this can go. Well, the answer is nowhere. Until the end of the movie the above “little quirks” are pounded into your brain until the scriptwriters are positive that you understand them. They are then all incorporated into a long chase and shooting ending sequence.
This movie could have been cut down to a half-hour to an hour drama special and I would have got just as much out of it. Hollywood Homicide indeed, for Hartnett’s and Ford’s careers.