Disney Legend Ilene Woods, who voiced Cinderella in the 1950 classic, has passed away at the age of 81. Woods was born on May 5, 1929 in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, U.S.A. and was both a singer and actress.
Woods started acting at two years old. When she was 14, she was given her own radio show on the new station called The Blue Network on ABC Radio during the summer of 1944. A lot of songwriters came on the show to present their music to her, which is how she became friends with Mack David and Jerry Livingston.
David and Livingston asked her to record a few of their most recent written songs for a movie. They also wanted her not just to record them, but to sing them. Soon the songs were presented to Walt Disney so it could be used in the animated Cinderella. She won the role against more than 300 other auditioning girls.