I am not terribly excited or thrilled with what is coming from DC, despite it being the comic book company I have gravitated towards. The tone Man of Steel set for everything left A LOT to be desired. There is one project in the forthcoming slate that includes Wonder Woman, Shazam, and others that I have some kind of interest in, and that is David Ayer‘s Suicide Squad. The film’s cast has had a lot of speculation thrown at it, but Warner Bros. has finally made their official announcement on who will be playing these parts. And it is a pretty starry cast.
Jared Leto will indeed be playing the Joker, the Clown Prince of Crime himself, and Margot Robbie will be at his side as Harley Quinn. Tom Hardy is turning in his Bane mask to play Rick Flag. Will Smith will take on the role of the assassin Deadshot. One unfortunate casting choice is Jai Courtney as Boomerang. Then the person in the cast I am not familiar with is Cara Delevingne, who will be playing Enchantress.
One role that has yet to be cast is Amanda Waller, who overseas the Suicide Squad. Viola Davis, Octavia Spencer, and Oprah Winfrey are on the studio’s short list, probably because they are the only three black actress over 40 they can think of. Jesse Eisenberg is also in talks to reprise his Lex Luthor role from Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice.
Despite the inclusion of Jai Courtney, who really is just a dreadful actor, that list of names certainly does something to up my interest in this project. Ayer is not a favorite filmmaker of mine, but he can certainly make an interesting, engaging film. Hopefully, him and that cast can make something more in line with End of Watch and Fury and not Street Kings and Sabotage.
Original report from Variety.