As a fan of Paul Greengrass, the more I think about it, I think tend to take him for granted, given he’s not necessarily a director whose works I actively anticipate. I enjoy his brand of political thrillers, and no matter the artistic liberties within his true-life films — United 93 and Captain Phillips — they are movies I find legitimately tense and thrilling.
Greengrass is reportedly Variety, Greengrass is attached to direct The Tunnels, described as “the true story of a great escape before the Berlin Wall fell in 1989.” The film is based on a book proposal by author Greg Mitchell, and is said to focus on a group of West Germans attempting to get their loved ones out of East Berlin with the unlikely help of American news networks.
Mark Gordon will produce The Tunnels for FilmNation, which acquired the film rights to Greg Mitchell’s proposal. Gordon is currently developing Jobs for Sony. Aaron Ryder, who brokered the deal for FilmNation, has very high confidence in the project based on the talent involved.
“Finding an untold true story of this caliber is such a rarity,” Ryder said. “Greg’s proposal will make for a very human and cinematic experience. We have no doubt that Mark’s producing and Paul’s directing will make audiences around the world as excited about this film as we are.”