I was supposed to have seen David Ayer‘s Fury this past Monday until they moved it from Monday all the way to next Friday. Yes, this is just me belly-aching, but that’s what I do, especially when publicists play with my emotions when it comes to a film I really want to see. But enough of my complaining, I have a clip from the movie to share with you.
Set during World War II, Fury follows a Sherman tank commander by the name of Wardaddy (Brad Pitt) and his crew as they head behind enemy lines. There are a lot of people thinking this film has Oscar aspirations and if that’s the case this first clip would seem to suggest that while Pitt will be in Sony’s plans for a Best Actor push, it will be Logan Lerman looking for a Supporting Actor nod.
The film finds its way into theaters on October 17, give this clip a watch and check out over 35 new pictures from the movie just below and let me know what you think.