Woody Allen‘s new movie, Magic in the Moonlight, hits limited theaters this weekend. Meanwhile, he’s off in Providence, Rhode Island with Joaquin Phoenix, Emma Stone and new additions to the cast, Parker Posey and Jamie Blackley, shooting his next movie, which the Chicago Sun Times reports is “a murder mystery, set on a college campus.” On top of that it’s said to be a “serious-ish drama,” which I guess might place it in Match Point territory considering Manhattan Murder Mystery was definitely comedic.
In other Allen news, in a recent New York Times profile they revealed Allen has secured financing for not only the film he’s currently shooting, but three more beyond that and it sounds like all four will be released by Sony Pictures Classics:
Mr. Allen said that his next four films, including the currently untitled one he is making with Ms. Stone and Mr. Phoenix, have financing, and he has the full support of Sony Pictures Classics, which has released his recent films, including “Magic in the Moonlight.”
Michael Barker, co-president of Sony Pictures Classics, said: “Every detail of what we do, he sees, he looks at, he approves. He still has a lot to say, and this process that he has allows him the comfort to say it exactly the way he wants to.”
Expect his latest film (currently in the database as Untitled Woody Allen Project) to be released in 2015 and on top of that, expect new Woody Allen films at least until 2018.