On a recent plane flight I watched as a couple sitting in front of me debated which film to watch on their iPad. All the usual new releases were there with a couple of older titles. The couple was in their 40s or 50s so nothing too surprising, though I was a little shocked to see Paul Thomas Anderon‘s Hard Eight (aka Sidney). I saw the poster art and had to do a double take.
It was rather cool to see what I consider to be a rather obscure title, especially when it comes to owning a digital copy, on someone’s device. They ultimately decided to watch American Hustle… so it goes.
However, that’s just a small bit of nothing to help introduce the following Anderson commentary from Hard Eight where he talks of first seeing Philip Seymour Hoffman in Scent of a Woman and ultimately casting him as “Young Craps Player” in Hard Eight, which would then be followed by roles in Boogie Nights, Magnolia, Punch-Drunk Love and The Master. [Cinephilia and Beyond]
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