“Game of Thrones” can have a tendency to sometimes get a little… meandering at times. I felt the first episode in this fourth season was one such episode, but when something does happen, it’s often something major. Last night’s episode, “The Lion and the Rose“, delivered one of those great moments people will surely be talking about while those that missed it will be shushing them at work, pleading for them not to spoil it. When it comes to “Game of Thrones”, however, you better hope you’re watching as soon as it happens or risk having it spoiled. Even I, watching three hours after the East Coast, knew before watching that something major happens due to Twitter, and I was only a time zone behind.
All told, while I loved seeing Joffrey (Jack Gleeson) finally get his comeuppance, I must admit I was personally hoping it would be due to a sword at the back of the neck, or something even worse. For as much as many characters on this show are made to suffer I felt even in death Joffrey escaped his just due.
While Tyrion (Peter Dinklage) is going to get the blame for Joffrey’s death, something I hope won’t bog Tyrion’s storyline down for too long, I almost felt during the whole “fetch my cup” scene Tyrion might actually slice the kid open himself. As we know, Tyrion’s a smarter character than that, but the hope was still there.
I also felt last night’s episode exemplified just how good this show is at creating villains. While Joffrey may now be out of the picture, it seems Ramsay Snow (Iwan Rheon) will be picking up in his stead. It’s also impressive that while most of us wished for Joffrey’s death, and can now revel in it, it also placed one of the show’s favorite characters in danger, that being, of course, Tyrion. Even in death Joffrey still haunts the story’s narrative and it seems the forked tongue of the Lannisters will again be even more prominent moving forward than it has been as of late.
Last night’s episode also included a cameo appearance from Icelandic band Sigur Ros, appearing as the band during Joffrey’s wedding, as well as their cover of “The Rains of Castamere” over the episode’s credits. The song was immediately made available online last night and can be listened to in its entirety to the right.
Moving forward, the preview for next week’s episode seems to suggest we’re getting a little more filler, though it also seems Daenerys (Emilia Clarke) is going to unleash a little more hell on some unsuspecting victims, which is always fun to watch… I just wish she’d get to where she’s going as she has been walking for a long, long, long time.
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