I have only seen two of French director Alain Resnais‘ films, those being Last Year at Marienbad and Wild Grass, which is to say I have a lot to catch up with from Hiroshima, mon amour to Night And Fog. His latest film, Aimer, Boire et Chanter (Life of Riley) recently played in competition at the Berlin Film Festival, winning the Alfred Bauer Award, and sadly it will prove to be his last.
Resnais passed away on Saturday night in Paris, his producer Jean-Louis Livi said this morning. Obviously, with such a limited amount of knowledge when it comes to Resnais’ work I can only add so much other than to point you to my review of Criterion’s Blu-ray release of Marienbad and point you to the following short film of his from 1958, La chant de la styrène, of which Jean-Luc Godard once wrote, “Alain Resnais is the second best editor in the world after [Sergei] Eisenstein.”
I wish I could add more at this time, and I hope to one day.
Okay, since you asked, here’s Night and Fog in full…