Wes Anderson‘s The Grand Budapest Hotel arrives in theaters on March 7. Yes, less than two weeks from now and the marketing is on fire as of late. Trailers are finally making their way to television and now I have a boatload of goodies for you.
[amz asin=”B00HGGUTPW” size=”small”]First, over at Pitchfork you can listen to the entirety of the film’s soundtrack, scored by Alexandre Desplat. I’ve only listened to a little of it, but the third track “Mr. Moustafa” (the character played by F. Murray Abraham) is great. If you like what you hear you can buy the soundtrack here.
Next is a new clip from the film featuring co-stars Ralph Fiennes and Tilda Swinton, Fiennes playing M. Gustaev, a legendary concierge who eventually befriends Zero Moustafa (Tony Revolori), a young employee who becomes his trusted protégé.
And finally, below the clip and over the next couple pages of this post are more than 20 pictures from the movie.