I hate saying anything done by children is stupid, but it’s not their fault this “Kids Reenact the 2014 Oscar Nominees” skit from Cinefix isn’t any good, it’s the fault of the people that put it together. Then again, perhaps this is the perfect example of just how dark the films of 2013 were and how difficult it is to parody them with little children.
From the beginning you have a child pointing a machine gun at another child as they reenact Captain Phillips (and somehow don’t have them say “I’m the captain now”), talking of doing drugs as they reenact The Wolf of Wall Street and then you get to 12 Years a Slave… As much as the idea of expanding the Oscar field to a potential ten Best Picture nominees was supposed to represent more “general audience” titles, I’m looking over the list of nominees and I’m not really seeing any.
If anything, I found the Gravity and American Hustle bits mildly humorous, but that’s about it.
Watch the video below.
[yt id =”1w–HHuBKH4″ width=”500″]