Aaron Johnson is Officially Quicksilver in ‘Avengers 2’

We’ve known Aaron Taylor-Johnson (Kick-Ass 2) would be playing Quicksilver in Joss Whedon‘s The Avengers: Age of Ultron for some time now. In fact, 27 days ago I wrote an article headlined “Aaron Johnson Cast as Quicksilver in ‘Avengers: Age of Ultron’” and now today The Wrap has gone out on a limb and reported the same news… again. As Gollum would say, tricksy.

In that previous article I quoted Johnson who’d already discussed the role with Total Film saying:

There’s years — over 50 years — of backstory on him all there to use, and I like doing that. Him and his sister [Scarlet Witch] have been abandoned by their parents and their father, and they grew up in Eastern Europe defending and looking out for themselves and each other. His sister really is his guidance — emotionally she’s the one who looks after him, and vice versa. He’s very overprotective physically — he doesn’t want anyone touching her. He has real anger frustration — I like that. I always thought it’d be quite funny if you saw him eating loads and people asked him why and he’d explain it’s because he’s burning so much energy all the time. Or ideas that you’d see him come back round — but he’s already nipped out and got his lunch somewhere else. He just got bored — his attention span is so fucking quick.

Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch (Elizabeth Olsen) are twin siblings of Magneto, who you’ll remember as either Ian McKellen and/or Michael Fassbender in Fox’s X-Men franchise, who will be appearing alongside one another in Bryan Singer‘s X-Men: Days of Future Past. However, this won’t be a matter of the two franchises crossing over as Singer has cast Evan Peters to play the role in his film and Magneto won’t be appearing in The Avengers 2.

Quicksilver’s super power is that he can run fast, which makes me wonder why he doesn’t give up on the superhero biz and just play sports, but then again you could ask that of all the superheros as I’m pretty sure The Hulk would make one hell of a running back.

Taylor-Johnson joins Robert Downey Jr., Chris Hemsworth, Chris Evans, Mark Ruffalo, Jeremy Renner, Samuel L. Jackson and James Spader in the film, which is already slated for a May 1, 2015 release.

Taylor-Johnson will next be seen in Godzilla. Rawr!

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