FINAL ROUND: Nominate Five Films for Best Picture of 2012

The first round was a success and we have a list of 50 films that have made the cut and moved on to the final round of voting where you vote and determine the ten best movies of 2012.

After the first round of voting and 1,288 individual voters that followed all the rules set forth, the #1 seed moving into this final round was Quentin Tarantino’s Django Unchained, but Ben Affleck’s Argo ended that first round of voting within 50 votes as it continually crept up the list.

The three other films that made the top five were Zero Dark Thirty, Silver Linings Playbook and The Dark Knight Rises.

Rounding out the top ten after that first round of voting were Moonrise Kingdom, Skyfall, Lincoln, Looper and Life of Pi. This is to say that six of the nine Best Picture nominees made the top ten and all nine actually made the top twenty. For as much as people complain about the Academy, it would seem their taste isn’t too far off from the general consensus.

That said, we move on to the final round of voting where we will determine the ten best films of 2012 as voted by you. This time around you will vote for five films, no more, no less and trust me when I say if you can’t follow these simple instructions your votes will be deleted. It happened plenty in the first round.

At least 150 votes were deleted during the first round because people couldn’t follow the simplest of rules and vote for eight or more films. This time I’m making it even easier as all you’ll need to do is count to five and hit “Vote”. Here, I’ll even make it clearer…

  • You must vote for no fewer than five films.
  • Voting for fewer than five films will result in having your votes DELETED. No exceptions.
  • This final round of voting will be left open through Thursday, February 7. The top 10 films will be revealed on Friday, February 8 unless tiebreakers must take place.*

Now that’s out of the way, it’s time to vote for your favorite five filsm from the remaining 50 films carried over from the first round of voting. If you have a Facebook or Twitter account be sure to share this poll with others. It would be great to get the widest range of opinions possible. Now get to voting!

NOTE: Be sure you vote for at least five movies and keep track of how many you’ve voted for. Even voting for only four will cause your votes to be deleted. PAY ATTENTION TO THE RULES.

I have shut the poll down and won’t be bringing it back online. The results are being unfairly skewed in certain directions and therefore won’t be representative of an evenly balanced vote.

I may attempt to do this again in a couple weeks, but it will only be open to registered users if I do.

* If there are films tied within the top ten there will be lightning voting rounds to break all ties.

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