A New ‘Warm Bodies’ Poster is Getting Warmer

I think I feel comfortable saying Jonathan Levine’s Warm Bodies has officially become a “wait and see” feature for me. I was rather dismissive of it when that first poster arrived and I am still wary as the story feels like it just fits this new trend of creatures-as-human-love-interests trend too nicely. Yet, if the comedy is done right and balanced with genuine emotion, something Levine found in 50/50, then it’s definitely worth a shot.

At the end of last week the first trailer arrived, which I didn’t watch, but reactions seem to be accepting, though also a little stand-offish. One thing is for certain, it’s going to face Twilight comparisons and need to bust through those. That, however, could also work in its favor should expectations be lowered enough.

Entertainment Weekly just debuted the following new poster for the film with a tagline that seems to reflect my interest in the film.

You can check out the trailer here and the poster is directly below.

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