More ‘Star Wars’ Directors and Harrison Ford’s Caveat, Kilmer Rocks Out and Nicolas Cage is ‘Expendable’

1.) I guess we should start with the Star Wars rumor du jour, since that will likely be the biggest reason people continue to read these articles for the next two and a half years. Actually, I have two of them today:

The first involves Harrison Ford‘s possible involvement in Episode VII, as an unnamed source has leaked some information to EW. “Harrison is open to the idea of doing the movie and he’s upbeat about it, all three of them are,” they said, obviously referring to Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher as well. The site ceded that Ford won’t get into contract talks until there’s a script and director in place, as either could be a deal breaker. He might also be looking for a juicy death scene for his character, as he’s gone on record that he thought Han Solo should have died in Return of the Jedi, but George Lucas believed a dead Han Solo wouldn’t have sold as many action figures.

Secondly, MarketSaw reported a bunch of other rumors, but the most interesting tidbit was a “100% accurate” director shortlist. The names include Steven Spielberg, Neil Blomkamp, Alfonso Cuaron, Matthew Vaughn, Darren Aronofsky and Joss Whedon. Vaughn, who Brad mentioned yesterday was reportedly the frontrunner, certainly makes the most sense. Whedon will likely be busy with The Avengers for the next 5-10 years and the rest of those directors (save Spielberg) sway a little darker than I imagine Disney would like. I mean, if Aronofsky can’t work if out with the The Wolverine folks, how is he going to deliver something with as much mass appeal as a Star Wars movie? Still, I suppose it’s an interesting conversation piece.

2.) In somewhat related news, MTV Geek reports discussions are underway for toy and game manufacturer Hasbro to join Lucasfilm and Marvel in Disney’s stable. The acquisition would give Disney the rights to Transformers, G.I. Joe, Battleship, Magic: The Gathering and many others. The move would certainly give Disney an even stronger lockdown on boys’ entertainment, but I don’t see a lot there to appeal to girls — unless, of course, Disney sees franchise potential in My Little Pony.

3.) Music fans at Austin’s Fun Fun Fun Fest last weekend were in for a special treat when Val Kilmer took the stage with rockers The Black Lips. He wielded a chainsaw, cut his own hair and wreaked general Jim Morrison-like havoc, all in the name of Terrence Malick‘s untitled rock ‘n’ roll drama. Co-stars Rooney Mara and Michael Fassbender were also on hand, with the former actually filling in on guitar for the band. You might recall Mara and Ryan Gosling rocking out to Slayer at the same festival last year, filming some scenes and presumably doing some research for their roles. [The Daily Mail]

4.) If for some reason you don’t follow Sylvester Stallone on Facebook you might have missed him confirming Nicolas Cage as the newest member of The Expendables 3. He went on to say they’re currently working to add Harrison Ford and Wesley Snipes to the cast, as well as bring back Mickey Rourke.

5.) And finally, CBS Films has unveiled the first look at Freeman, Douglas, De Niro and Kline in the new comedy Last Vegas, which predictably looks like The Hangover: Part 25. From director Jon Turteltaub (National Treasure), it hits theaters on December 20, 2013. What’s the over/under on Viagra jokes in this one?

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