Where Will ‘Star Wars: Episode 7’ Begin?

I just got home from the gym and out of the corner of my eye I could swear ESPN’s “SportsCenter” was on and they had someone dressed as Jabba the Hut. I don’t know if this was a decision made now that Disney owns the Star Wars franchise (and also owns ESPN), but it does show that Star Wars has found new life and I highly doubt the sell-outs at “SportsCenter” will be the last in the land of Mickey to exploit their new property.

That said, speculation is now rampant as to what Disney will do now that they have Star Wars: Episode VII is targeting a 2015 release. The comment made by Disney execs yesterday was, “What we’re buying, is an extensive treatment for what would be the next trilogy.”

Yesterday I speculated we may have seen the end of the Skywalker story and finally explore some new space. Some commenters didn’t like that and got all “Why does it mean that? Gobble, gobble, turkey, gobble!” I guess I just assumed they would try something new and I’ve also never read any of the books or comics that have been published or played any of the video games so I just assumed there was more to the world than the Skywalkers.

To be honest, it’s all a little odd to think I was born the same year the first Star Wars came out and now the franchise has essentially drained me of any and all interest. Of course, legions of fans remain, and they have done their own share of speculation and now E! Online has a source saying the new trilogy of films will be “an original story,” suggesting it won’t involve any of the stories told in the books, comics or video games out there now.

In addition to that news, The Hollywood Reporter reports Disney may be considering going The Avengers route with individual movies focusing on specific characters before bringing them together in one massive ensemble. Personally I don’t really see that working, but then again, like I said, I haven’t read the books… maybe that’s how things go down.

Next, The Wrap spoke with Dale Pollock, writer of “[amazon asin=”0573606064″ text=”Skywalking: The Life and Films of George Lucas”]”, and he claims Lucas gave him access to the outlines for his planned 12-part Star Wars saga story.

Lucas and Pollock eventually had a falling out after the author interviewed him more than 80 times, but he does tell The Wrap, “It was originally a 12-part saga. The three most exciting stories were 7, 8 and 9. They had propulsive action, really interesting new worlds, new characters. I remember thinking, ‘I want to see these three movies.'”

As for what the stories entail, Pollock only said, “They will need an older Luke Skywalker.”

Who knows what remains from what Pollock had access to or if Lucas changed things as he narrowed it down to a nine-story saga. Who even knows if Lucas’ original Episodes 7, 8 and 9 are what the films will center on?

Considering we don’t know anything right now, it’s all speculation and I am sure the next several years will be filled with rumors, complaints and CGI. Personally, I won’t care too much about what happens until word comes down as to who will be writing the projects and who will be directing, and I speculate even that information won’t likely move me.

For all the guesswork people are putting in, suggesting Christopher Nolan, J.J. Abrams or Joss Whedon will be involved, makes me want to say, “Guess again.” I don’t see any of those names getting involved any time soon, or ever for that matter. Others have mentioned Andrew Stanton, that I don’t see either, though the suggestion of Brad Bird is intriguing.

Who will take up the mantle and hopefully return Star Wars to some kind of respectable form? I expect it will be more of the unexpected name, similar to what happened with the Marvel or even Bond franchise. The resurgence of James Bond fell into the hands of Martin Campbell twice and who expected Jon Favreau to become the toast of the town as director of Iron Man?

By dismissing the idea of Nolan, Abrams and Whedon, I’m not suggesting they’re above this film, but more that I just don’t imagine that’s the direction Disney will go. Personally, I hope it falls more into the hands of a younger visionary, perhaps a Duncan Jones or Rian Johnson, but at the same time I would hate to see either of those directors spend their time on a commercial property rather than bringing us their uniquely imaginative, original visions.

I am sure some of you out there have read the books and perhaps even more. Reading around I see something called the “Thrawn Trilogy” being mentioned as well as “Dark Empire” and the “New Jedi Order“. Where do you stand on all of this… and do you really care?

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