Movie Club Reminder: ‘Picnic at Hanging Rock’ on Monday

Next Monday, October 15, the first in what will hopefully be a long run of community-driven movie conversations will take place here on RopeofSilicon, beginning with Peter Weir’s Picnic at Hanging Rock.

I mention it now in hopes that many of you will take the time to watch it over the coming weekend if you haven’t already, so as to make sure as many voices as possible will be heard.


I was originally going to post the Movie Club article on Monday mornings, but I think, instead, I will post them at 2 PM PST / 5 PM EST every Monday. My goal is to make sure the conversation carries on throughout the week rather than starting it on Friday and having the weekend get in the way of potential chatter.


Movie Club articles will be posted like any other article. They will be added to the homepage and will always be visible on the RopeofSilicon Movie Club homepage.


The RopeofSilicon Movie Club is set up to mimic your standard book club, a place to come and explore themes, questions, etc. regarding the movie of that week along with your thoughts on the movie overall, the performances, direction and whatever else caught your attention.

I have thought long and hard about the best way to begin the conversation and I’m not sure me posting a full review would be a good start. Instead I will post a few thoughts on each title and try and open the conversation with a selection of questions, theories, ideas, etc. determined by the film that week. I will also be taking questions from you, which I detail in the next section.


I will do my best to come up with a selection of questions and topics to discuss for each title, but I also invite you to submit questions and topics as well. You can do so by emailing me at [email protected]. This way I can compile and track the questions easily and make sure you’re continually involved not to mention, you’ll probably be able to come up with even better questions than me.


Considering this will be the first “meeting” of the RopeofSilicon Movie Club, these rules may need to be tweaked as we go along and I will again post them with each weekly installment. Right now there are only three, and hopefully we won’t need too many more.

  1. No topic is off limits as long as it pertains to the movie of the week or comes as a natural progression of the conversation.
  2. Keep your comments to a reasonable length. I know the urge to write a lot at once is there, but try to rein it in and get out one thought at a time. That way the conversation will move more fluidly and make sure none of your thoughts are overlooked.
  3. NO BULLYING: This is important, while you are free to disagree, do so in a mature manner. Hopefully I won’t have to explain that any further.


The schedule of upcoming films will always be listed at the top of the RopeofSilicon Movie Club homepage with links on where to find and watch the upcoming movies and get more information on each.

Additionally, at the bottom of the article for each week’s Club selection will be a poll where you will vote to determine the next week’s title out of a list of five potential movies. These movies will be selected by myself, but I will also be taking suggestions, which you can also send in to [email protected].

And that about does it. If you have any more questions about the club feel free to ask away, otherwise I will see you here on Monday for our first gathering and hopefully it will be a successful one. Book clubs are typically limited to only a few people, but hopefully this club will continue to grow and grow as the number of people that can be involved is limitless.

Movie News
Marvel and DC