What I Watched, What You Watched #160

I had a chance to watch a couple movies this week and hope to bring you an article on each very shortly as I watched The Avengers and David Fincher’s The Game on Blu-ray. While The Game wasn’t officially expected to hit shelves until this coming Tuesday, September 25, Amazon released it last week and The Avengers will arrive this Tuesday.

I don’t want to say too much about either of them, since I’ll save that for their individual articles as I still plan on listening to the audio commentaries on each and hopefully posting articles based on those rather than just simply going on and on about the technical aspects. From that perspective both are excellent. The visuals in The Game are outstanding and Criterion’s transfer is excellent and the sound design is the notable standout in The Avengers, though I’m sure some will argue it’s too loud. I won’t deny it was loud when I saw it in theaters, but at least at home I can turn it down a bit.

I did want to mention I spent a lot of time putting together pages and an infrastructure for the upcoming RopeofSilicon Movie Club. I am going to have a homepage for the Club, an RSS feed with the calendar, individual pages for each movie we’ll be watching and hopefully a few more bells and whistles to deliver to the community experience.

Remember, the first film we’ll be discussing will be Peter Weir’s Picnic at Hanging Rock on October 15. You can get the rest of the current schedule right here and a few more details on the club if you missed it before. Hopefully by next Monday I will have everything in place and can post one more reminder article and introduce you to all of the new pages where the Club will be held and managed.

Until then, share what you watched this week in the comments below.

Movie News
Marvel and DC