UPDATE: I added a second deleted scene courtesy of IGN.com. The scene explores Peter Weyland’s god complex in far more explicit terms than are ever expressed in the final cut of the film. Thanks to the BioScopist for the heads up.
As I pointed out in my DVD and Blu-ray column this morning, in advance of the upcoming October 11 [amazon asin=”B005LAIHXQ” text=”DVD”] or [amazon asin=”B005LAIHY0″ text=”Blu-ray”] release of Prometheus, Fox has made it available on [amazon asin=”B009AJDDQU” text=”Amazon Instant”] in HD for $14.99. To accompany the release a deleted scene from the film has also made its way online and it is a bit of a spoiler if you haven’t seen the film yet as it features a scene late in the film in which Guy Pearce as Peter Weyland is speaking with the Engineer at the end of the film that would eventually kill him.
The scene is incredibly short and, unfortunately, doesn’t include subtitles, but it’s a little something for those that are interested.
If you’re interested in getting the film right now on Amazon Instant you can click here or you can preorder the DVD [amazon asin=”B005LAIHXQ” text=”here”] or the Blu-ray [amazon asin=”B005LAIHY0″ text=”here”]. Check out the scene directly below.