Affleck Won’t Direct ‘Justice League’ but the Wachowskis are Now Rumored

Rumor had it back in Untitled Justice League Movie bringing together DC Comics heroes including Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, etc. Word quickly hit the net Affleck wasn’t likely interested but would at least take the meeting. It would seem even that meeting may have been an overstatemnt.

Speaking with 24 Hours Vancouver, Affleck said, “I’m not working on the Justice League. One of the problems with entertainment web sites is that they need to fill pages, and that’s how rumours get started… Justice League sounds really exciting, but it’s not something I’m working on.”

So… back to square one, but square one quickly turns to two as another rumor hit the web. As quickly as Affleck says he’s out, now Moviehole says Andy and Lana Wachowski (The Matrix, Cloud Atlas) may be in.

Clint Morris from Moviehole relays the following:

What I’m told is Warner Bros are apparently jazzed with Cloud Atlas, and love that it’s as much a spectacle as it is a showcase for the immense ensemble involved, so it makes sense the W’s are under consideration. Justice League needs to be as big on character, as it does bells and whistles, and the Wachowski’s could probably offer that.

The Wachowskis are no strangers to comics, having produced V for Vendetta, not to mention authoring [amazon asin=”1932700005″ text=”The Matrix Comics”] so the idea they would potentially take over is far more likely than the idea Affleck would have ever taken the gig. Of course, the Wachowskis are also busy putting together Jupiter Ascending with Mila Kunis and Channing Tatum already attached to star.

As of right now, this remains rumor, as all that’s confirmed is Will Beall (Gangster Squad) wrote the most recent draft of the script and with the rumors floating around Warner Bros. is clearly looking to fill the director’s chair. I suspect we’ll know soon enough.

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Marvel and DC