‘Frogz Legz’ Clip iz Weird

Corin Hardy is a director I’d never heard of, but with the reveal of the clip below from his in-production horror-comedy Frogz Legz I’m pretty sure I won’t forget his name any time soon. The film, of which I haven’t been able to find a ton of information, centers on a girl who turns into a man-eating frog when turned on. Don’t believe me, just watch the clip below.

The key to this working, from what I can tell, is the fact it isn’t a straight-forward horror, but a horror-comedy. You absolutely have to be sure not to take this thing too seriously or it’s just going to blow up in your face.

And if you’re interested, Hardy has made a few short films you may want to turn the lights off and give a watch.

In the Back is a five-minute found footage short that tackles the urban legend of being sure to check your back seat before you get in your car since you never know what may be there.

You can check out Corin’s blog here

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