Do You Own a 3D TV? Do You Want One?

This morning Fox Home Entertainment announced the Avatar (3D Collector’s Edition) Blu-ray disc, which will be available on October 16. At this time it looks as if it will be feature-free and only include the theatrical version of the film. But that’s not what interests me, what I’m curious about is whether or not any of you are actually interested in this product. Do you own a 3D television and/or Blu-ray player and are you interested in watching 3D movies at home?

I bought a new television approximately two years ago or so and at the time 3D televisions had the glasses that you had to recharge in order for them to work and the battery life wasn’t even long enough to last the duration of most feature length films. However, that wasn’t even my problem.

Outside of the fact I’m not much of a 3D fan, I don’t like a) the idea of having to put on glasses while I’m sitting at home to watch a 3D movie on my television and b) don’t like the idea of having to make sure I have enough additional glasses in case people come over. To that point, I also don’t want to be the guy that starts handing out 3D glasses just so friends can watch a movie at my place.

So I put it to you, is 3D something you want at home? Are you interested? What would get you to buy a 3D television and begin buying 3D Blu-rays? If you own a 3D TV, do you buy 3D Blu-rays or watch 3D programming regularly?

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