What I Watched, What You Watched: Installment #154

I am going to leave most of the conversation to you this weekend as it has been a very busy Sunday already for me. My girlfriend and I had to do a home inspection this morning on a condo we are looking to buy and as I was preparing this morning’s box-office results I lost all my work just before publishing, not once, but twice. So to say I’m not in the mood to write right now is a bit of an understatement as I am about to head out to my mother’s place for a little R&R.

However, this week I did happen to watch a couple movies you may want to keep an eye out for and hopefully I’ll find more time to discuss them both this coming week.

First, I saw The Imposter, a fascinating documentary that I really don’t want to say too much about because just giving the slightest bit of information opens the door for spoilers and this one does play almost more as a drama than a documentary as the fate of a 13-year-old boy that went missing in 1994 comes into question three years later in ways you can’t really anticipate.

The Imposter is in theaters now and you can click here to see when it will be playing near you. I’ve added the trailer to the bottom of this post if you’d like at least a little more information before seeking it out.

Secondly, I watched another documentary, this one I highlighted on Friday and is available On Demand right now. The film is called The Ambassador and it features Danish filmmaker Mads Brugger as he sets his sights on becoming a Liberian diplomat and heads into the Central African Republic under the guise of building a match factory to prove just how easy (or not so easy) it is to get your hands on blood diamonds.

The Ambassador is a bit of an eye-opening film as Brugger uses hidden cameras throughout and, at one point, is quite concerned as it looks like his papers will never come through. However, it’s also rather slow and the ending doesn’t really pack the kind of a punch I expected. I would have also liked to learn a little more about how the project was funded and how it all turned out in the end, but perhaps a documentary of the making of the documentary will one day be released and reveal a little more information.

I’ve included the trailer for this one below as well. Give it a look and see what you think. It’s available On Demand right now and will hit limited theaters on August 29.

And with that, I open the floor to you. What did you watch this week? Is there any other movie-related topics you’d like to discuss? Nothing is off limits.

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