Comic Con: New Superman ‘Man of Steel’ and ‘Godzilla’ Posters

Today at Comic Con, Warner Bros. stole the show with their presentation. It goes to show it doesn’t matter what people know they are going to see, it matters only what you can surprise them with. One year it was 300 that blew people away, another year it was impressive footage from Iron Man. This year the scene stealer was director Gareth Edwards (Monsters) arriving and presenting the teaser trailer for his remake of the Toho classic, Godzilla, and with it comes the teaser poster which I have included below.

WB also gave Comic Con’ers a first look at Zack Snyder‘s Man of Steel, which will have a trailer debuting online next week and it will play in front of The Dark Knight Rises. I expect I’ll probably see it in front of my screening of Christopher Nolan‘s final Batman film this coming Tuesday.

And with Man of Steel we also get a teaser poster, which I have also included directly below. It’s a bit of an interesting design if you take a look at how Superman’s (Henry Cavill) suit is made. Gotta be hard wearing that under your clothes all day… don’tcha think?

Warner’s presentation also included footage from Peter Jackson‘s The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, which was shown in 2D at 24fps rather than the much-talked-about 3D, 48fps. The move was looked at as slightly controversial and a bit of a chickening out by Jackson, but the audience seemed impressed nonetheless so does it really matter at this point?

Check out the posters below and leave your thoughts in the comments below.

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