Fox Converted ‘I, Robot’ to 3-D, but for a Blu-ray Release

This is actually interesting to me, not because I want to pick up I, Robot on 3-D Blu-ray (I don’t own a 3-D TV and have no intention of owning one), but because it seems like an interesting experiment from Fox Home Entertainment, taking a chance on cheaper 3-D conversion and the assumption people actually want to buy 3-D Blu-rays. Do they?

The announcement I, Robot would be converted to 3-D for a Blu-ray release was actually made earlier this year, at which time Fox did say it was cheaper to convert a film for 3-D Blu-ray than for theatrical release, the latter of which can cost anywhere from a reported $50,000-$70,000 per minute. In the case of I, Robot we’re talking something like $6.9 million for 115 minutes at $60,000 per minute. How much cheaper can it actually be for Blu-ray?

After some searching JVC, which handled the conversion process on I, Robot, is quoted at Digital Trends saying films like I, Robot will take “three people three months to convert at a third of the price” using its new technology, meaning the task is being given to computers rather than human artists. So we’re talking something like $2.07 million. Still, that seems like a lot.

So this is clearly a test to gauge interest, but is I, Robot really the film to start with?

I received a press release only a few minutes ago with the above look at the Limited Edition Collectible I, Robot Head, which will be on sale at Comic Con this week for $99.99. The limited run of 250 serialized I, Robot heads is available for pre-order at the Con and will then be released on October 23, 2012 when I assume a traditional release will also be made available.

Has Blu-ray 3-D reached a point where this is a viable option for studios? I look at those 3-D Blu-ray releases and think to myself, “Who is paying that much to watch a movie in 3-D at home?” Looking through Amazon’s Top 100 bestsellers, the only 3-D Blu-ray there is The Avengers and why people are paying an additional $5 to see a movie that essentially takes zero advantage of stereoscopic imaging is beyond me.

SIDE NOTE: The Blu-ray edition of the Alien Anthology is on sale at Amazon for only $28.96. I recommend you pick it up if you haven’t done so already… click here.

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