Aronofsky Reveals the Ark Set for His Upcoming Film ‘Noah’

Darren Aronofsky and Paramount have released a pair of photos revealing the set for Aronofsky’s upcoming feature Noah. Along with the photo below, Aronofsky tweeted, “I dreamt about this since I was 13. And now it’s a reality. Genesis 6:14.”

The Bible passage Aronofsky included reads: “So make yourself an ark of cypress wood; make rooms in it and coat it with pitch inside and out.” While I doubt the set will actually be built based on the specs as told in the Bible, it’s quite clear we’re looking at something massive.

There was also no information passed along relaying where exactly the set is being built, though it was previously revealed production was expected to begin this month in both New York and Iceland. I would have to assume the latter is where construction is taking place.

Noah is set for a March 28, 2014 release and is described as a close adaptation of the Biblical story of Noah’s Ark. In a world ravaged by human sin, Noah (Russell Crowe) is given a divine mission: to build an Ark to save creation from the coming flood. The screenplay was written by Aronofsky and Ari Handel and revised by Academy Award-nominated screenwriter John Logan (Gladiator, Hugo). Along with Crowe the film will star Logan Lerman, Douglas Booth, Emma Watson, Jennifer Connelly, Anthony Hopkins, Saoirse Ronan and Ray Winstone.

You can click here for a larger look at the image above.

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