Listen Hans Zimmer’s Full ‘Dark Knight Rises’ Score Now

After his score for The Dark Knight and Inception it’s no surprise Hans Zimmer‘s score for Christopher Nolan‘s The Dark Knight Rises is a hot topic as we approach the July 20 release of the film and the July 17 release of the score. Well, worry not little ones, the score is available for you to listen to right now courtesy of Empire.

You can listen to all 15 tracks from the forthcoming soundtrack directly below and if you want you can [amazon asin=”B008645YEE” text=”preorder it here”] for $10.99.

FYI: I’ve broken this post up into three different pages because the number of Flash embeds continued to crash my browser just when previewing this article. So click through to the next page to listen to the first batch of tracks and then to the third page for the final batch. I apologize for making you go from one to the next, but it was the only way I could attempt to lighten the load on your browser so it wouldn’t crash.

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