I Don’t Get It: ‘Spider-Man’ Breaks Tuesday Opening Day Record

Forget the fact I don’t think The Amazing Spider-Man is any good (my review here) and forget the fact it’s showing in 3-D and on IMAX screens, which means it’s bringing in more money than had it been playing on a level, 2-D playing field. The fact it made $35 million on its opening day, which includes $7.5 million from midnight screenings, is just mind-boggling to me. Where is the demand? Where is the desire to see this movie right away?

It’s only been five years since the last Spider-Man film and, for the most part, Spider-Man 3 was generally considered awful. And now people are lining up to spend an untold amount of money to see it all start over again as the webslinger battles a giant lizard? Sorry, I just don’t get it.

Of the $35 million, $4 million was generated from 3-D IMAX screenings and this total now surpasses the previous, $27.8 million Tuesday opening day record held by 2007’s Transformers.

Word is the CinemaScore is an “A-” and at this pace it could definitely do some serious damage at the box-office. I have no way of speculating how high it may ultimately go, but if you care to wager a six-day estimate I’ll be reading the comments and pay recognition to the closest commenter in Sunday’s box-office wrap-up… Best of luck to all, and a happy July 4th.

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