At the beginning of the year I made a list of my Top 40 Most Anticipated Movies of 2012. Of that list, it looks like about nine won’t be hitting theaters this year and I’ve now seen 13 of them, which leaves me with only 18 movies and with six months to go I need a little more motivation than just 18 movies and it never hurts to make sure we recharge our batteries and prepare for the home stretch.
First, I thought I’d list, in order, my previous Top 40 films including links to reviews and grades for the ones I’ve seen:
- Django Unchained
- Gravity
- Prometheus (Grade: B / my review)
- Seven Psychopaths
- Only God Forgives
- To Rome with Love (Grade: C+ / my review)
- The Dark Knight Rises
- Rust and Bone (Grade: A / my review)
- Skyfall
- Amour (Grade: A / my review)
- Killing Them Softly (Grade: A / my review)
- The Bourne Legacy
- The Grandmasters
- The Place Beyond the Pines
- The Master
- Anna Karenina
- Gangster Squad
- Argo
- Lawless (Grade: B+ / my review)
- Stoker
- Ted (Grade: D+ / my review)
- Hyde Park on Hudson
- The Impossible
- Looper
- Moonrise Kingdom (Grade: A- / my review)
- Brave (Grade: D / my review)
- The Great Gatsby
- The Silver Linings Playbook
- Inside Llewyn Davis
- The Innkeepers (Grade: D+ / my review)
- Savages (Seen it and review is coming soon)
- Zero Dark Thirty
- Cosmopolis
- The Hunger Games (Grade: B / my review)
- Cloud Atlas
- To the Wonder
- The Company You Keep
- The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
- Lincoln
- The Paperboy (Grade: C+ / my review)
Now, of the films on that list I haven’t seen, not all of them made this top 25.
First off, I didn’t include on this list the films that look as if they’ll be moving into 2013. Those films include Terrence Malick‘s To the Wonder, Nicolas Winding Refn‘s Only God Fogives, Derek Cianfrance‘s The Place Beyond the Pines, Robert Redford‘s The Company You Keep, the Coens’ Inside Llewyn Davis, Kar Wai Wong‘s The Grandmasters, Alfonso Cuaron‘s Gravity, Juan Antonio Bayona‘s The Impossible and Chan-wook Park‘s Stoker. Of that bunch, the last two feel like they have the best chance of arriving this year considering both have been rated by the MPAA, but we’ll just have to wait and see.
One film I was going to add, but didn’t, was Brian De Palma‘s Passion starring Rachel McAdams and Noomi Rapace. It sounds as if it might find its way to Toronto or Venice, but I’m not counting on it.
Other than that, only one title from above didn’t make the final top 25, which was Hyde Park on Hudson and not for any reason other than I’m just not compelled to go see it at this point, at least not more than the 25 I ultimately ended up listing off.
With that said, on the following five pages I have included images and trailers for all but only a few films, which have somehow still failed to deliver any kind of marketing but are expected to hit theaters this year. Have a look and when you’re done, share your most anticipated films in the comments below.