- 5:30 PM: Show starts, Billy Crystal’s opening number
- 5:40 PM: 1st award – Cinematography
- 5:43 PM: Art Direction
- 5:52 PM: Costume Design
- 5:54 PM: Makeup
- 6:03 PM: Foreign Language Film
- 6:07 PM: Supporting Actress
- 6:20 PM: Editing
- 6:23 PM: Sound Editing
- 6:26 PM: Sound Mixing
- 6:33 PM: Cirque du Soleil performance
- 6:37 PM: Documentary Feature
- 6:41 PM: Animated Feature
- 6:49 PM: Visual Effects
- 6:53 PM: Supporting Actor
- 7:04 PM: Score
- 7:08 PM: Song (expect a possible Muppet surprise here)
- 7:17 PM: Adapted Screenplay
- 7:20 PM: Original Screenplay
- 7:31 PM: Live Action Short
- 7:34 PM: Documentary Short
- 7:37 PM: Animated Short
- 7:44 PM: Direction
- 7:58 PM: In Memoriam
- 8:07 PM: Best Actor
- 8:15 PM: Best Actress
- 8:27 PM: Best Picture
Welcome to the 2012 Oscars Live Diary. As you can see from the menu above we have everything you need to prepare for tonight’s events and as you can see to the right we even have the schedule of events and will also be updating the winners live, as they are announced with Breaking News alerts, Twitter updates and each winner will be listed in the right hand column of this page.
As for the Live Blog, I hope you’re ready because starting at approximately 3:30 PM PST myself and Rope of Silicon resident Box-Office Oracle Laremy Legel will tag team this year’s red carpet and ceremony with as much coverage as you could possibly ask for… and then some.
The live blog will be posted with up-to-the-second commentary with each update having either my name in red or Laremy’s name in blue. All winner announcements will be
So get ready, in just a few short hours it all begins and hopefully you’re prepared.
If you want something to do in the meantime, you can poke around my Oscar Contenders section, check out reader predictions along with my predictions for tonight’s awards right here or click here and see how the awards season has shaped out so far. It’s clearly a potentially big night for Oscar favorite The Artist, but will another film be able to spoil the silent film’s thunder?
As a final refresher, here’s how I predicted tonight’s Oscar totals ending up:
Here are my Oscar counts per film (excluding the shorts):
- The Artist – 5 Oscars
- Hugo – 4 Oscars
- The Help – 2 Oscars
- Beginners – 1 Oscar
- The Descendants – 1 Oscar
- The Iron Lady – 1 Oscar
- Midnight in Paris – 1 Oscar
- The Muppets – 1 Oscar
- Rango – 1 Oscar
- Rise of the Planet of the Apes – 1 Oscar
- A Separation – 1 Oscar
- The Tree of Life – 1 Oscar
- Undefeated – 1 Oscar
Let’s do this…
[3:00:22 PM] Brad says: And we are live and I hear Miss Piggy and Kermit are on the red carpet. Excited?
[3:05:44 PM] Brad says: We’ve already heard from Penelope Anne Miller and Missi Pyle and they are riding the coattails of The Artist all the way even though they were hardly in the film.
[3:07:21 PM] Brad says: Looks like early red carpet action is all about the commercials… I will say Milla Jovovich looked pretty good. Does that count for anything? Also, Ben Lyons is giving his predictions… pretty sure he just copied mine… CHEATER!
[3:07:27 PM] Laremy says: Hello, I am here.
[3:08:26 PM] Laremy says: Wolfgang Puck on the red carpet. Whoa, The Oscars have a catering budget??!! They ARE just like us.
[3:08:28 PM] Brad says: Giuliana Rancic just loves the overhead shot of the red carpet. Keeps on telling us how “gorgeous” it is, just looks like smog to me.
[3:11:14 PM] Brad says: Ryan Seacrest just asked Rose Byrne just asked if she knew how well Bridesmaids was going to be received, she was gracious with her answer, but should have just slapped him and said, “No.”
[3:12:33 PM] Brad says: Rose Byrne has been drinking, apparently it is the year “22-thousand-and-12.”
[3:17:29 PM] Brad says: Apparently Ice-T and Coco teach us about love. The E! channel really is a different world.
[3:19:42 PM] Laremy says: Ken Baker is here to give us the scoop! Thankfully, they’ve placed him on a clock tower about half a mile away from the red carpet. You don’t want all that scoop getting too close.
[3:20:32 PM] Brad says: Ohh, breaking news, Billy Crystal has been rehearsing and has “surprises” for us. What kind of surprises could he possibly have?
[3:20:44 PM] Laremy says: Ryan Seacrest has jokes for days.
[3:22:41 PM] Brad says: Seacrest just asked Melissa McCarthy if she’s thought about what she’s going to say if she wins. I often wonder if the people that clearly aren’t going to win still actually think about it or if they pretty much know they aren’t going to win and have accepted it and just try and have fun.
[3:23:22 PM] Brad says: Shailene Woodley is studying to become an herbalist? The things you learn on the red carpet will help you later in life.
[3:25:16 PM] Brad says: When the snobs in the booth say people are taking “a risk” with what they’re wearing what exactly is the risk? How detrimental can a bad outfit be? Like if you wear an ugly dress can it possibly give you an infectious disease?
[3:25:46 PM] Laremy says: Jessica Chastain seems very pleasant.
[3:28:57 PM] Laremy says: I get that Seacrest has to lob them softballs here. Truly, I understand. But do all of the questions have to be this vanilla? Can’t he ask “What’s your sign?” or perhaps “Crazy weather we’re having, right?”
Anything to break up the monotony of “What are you wearing?” and “Are you excited to be here??!”
[3:29:27 PM] Laremy says: Everyone loves pronouncing “Jean Dujardin”. I can’t even get mad about that. I love saying it too, rolls right off the tongue.
[3:34:27 PM] Laremy says: Stacy Kiebler dating George Clooney feels like level jumping. C’mon ladies, you call the fellas out on this all the time. Let’s all just admit former WWE wrestlers don’t get to date Academy Award winners.
[3:34:32 PM] Brad says: Clooney being on the red carpet this early seems odd.
[3:37:26 PM] Laremy says: Brad makes a good point about Seacrest asking nominees about impossible victories. Seems kind of mean.
[3:44:04 PM] Brad says: Keibler never leaves Clooney’s side.
[3:45:52 PM] Laremy says: I would be the first person to answer “Tell me what you’re wearing” with “No.”
[3:47:26 PM] Brad says: I see these publicists with nine phones in their hands and just wonder who in the hell would ever want that job?
[3:47:47 PM] Brad says: Kelly Osborne seems unfit to judge fashion… I’ll leave it at that.
[3:48:49 PM] Brad says: Kelly is hearing things in her ear? This is breaking news… Rooney Mara is wearing white! Tell your friends, it’s news our eyes can’t see for ourselves.
[3:51:08 PM] Laremy says: Think I will take a break and play some Words with Friends. SAFETY FIRST.
[3:52:53 PM] Laremy says: Soze isn’t a word? C’mon!
[3:55:14 PM] Brad says: Ryan Seacrest thinks coral is a fruit. The more you know.
[3:56:55 PM] Brad says: Seacrest needs to just go away. Just asked Mara when her new film with Terrence Malick begins filming, she said fall, he asked her if it was any good. Ugh.
[3:57:29 PM] Brad says: E!’s audience thinks The Help is going to win Best Picture. Take that The Artist!
[4:03:03 PM] Brad says: Rooney Mara and Keira Knightley need to have a chest bone face-off… My money is on Knightley.
[4:03:08 PM] Laremy says: Jonah Hill looks good in all black. He’s like a Kiwi rugby player in that respect. #internationaljokes
[4:08:18 PM] Laremy says: I’m not a fan of this Cohen Dictator stunt. Marketing needs to stay on the sidelines for one night a year.
[4:11:07 PM] Brad says: Almost over folks, only four-and-a-half hours to go. The finish line is in sight as is Sacha Baron Cohen as The Dictator.
[4:12:43 PM] Laremy says: Mumolo? Wasn’t that the bad guy from Thundercats?
[4:14:44 PM] Brad says: There’s apparently Twitter confusion over the color of Michelle Williams’ dress. Nice to know what’s important, I thought it was red, I’m an idiot.

[4:18:22 PM] Brad says: Oh man, Sacha Baron Cohen just poured Kim Jong Il’s ashes on Seacrest’s tux! This is excellent! Seacrest is so pissed.
[4:19:43 PM] Brad says: Sorry, this is the best! I thought the idea of him showing up as the Dictator was such a joke, but it was actually funny. Seacrest just doesn’t know what to do.
[4:24:28 PM] Brad says: Seacrest thinks the “ashes” were actually Bisquick, doesn’t even seem to realize he was part of a great moment.
[4:24:42 PM] Laremy says: Still recovering from the ashes thing. I’m a little surprised Seacrest didn’t have a backup jacket. He feels like the fastidious sort.
[4:26:07 PM] Brad says: I get the feeling Jennifer Lopez is doing her best not to laugh her ass off at Seacrest.
[4:29:22 PM] Brad says: Someone forgot to cut giant piece of fabric off Emma Stone’s dress. That’s too bad.
[4:29:37 PM] Laremy says: I like Emma Stone. She seems like a solid sort of gal.
[4:35:15 PM] Laremy says: E!’s coverage is getting a little stale. Should we switch to ABC?
[4:39:49 PM] Laremy says: Robin Roberts didn’t know who Annie Mumolo was. Clearly she’s not a Thundercats fan.
[4:40:27 PM] Brad says: Switching over to ABC is like watching a repeat of something I never wanted to watch in the first place. E! clearly gets everyone first and no one knows what makes a good question.
[4:43:18 PM] Laremy says: Robin Roberts used to be a respected sportscaster. What happened?
[4:46:00 PM] Brad says: Sorry, Laremy and I just looked at each other and could only shake our heads. Laremy’s statement, “At some point… they win.” The red carpet has beaten us and we still have 45 minutes until the show starts.
[4:48:04 PM] Laremy says: ABC keeps promising “so much more”. But somehow I kind of doubt it.
[4:48:07 PM] Brad says: ABC is loving Michelle Williams too… apparently she will be dubbed “best dressed”, Laremy’s favorite award of the night.
[4:51:04 PM] Laremy says: So Brad, when does that embargo on The Lorax end? I sure would like to talk about that particular film …
[4:51:55 PM] Brad says: …did you love it?
[4:52:25 PM] Brad says: Jennifer Lopez tells us she’s still a little “street” and that she works hard in film. I am confused now.
[4:55:03 PM] Brad says: I think they are interviewing Zach Galifianakis in a Rainforest Cafe.
[4:56:44 PM] Brad says: Was Sacha Baron Cohen ejected? Is he coming back? I mean, dumping Bisquick on Ryan Seacrest is open game right?
[4:58:40 PM] Laremy says: 30 minutes away! I guess I’d better start studying this year’s nominees!
[5:01:16 PM] Brad says: Robin Roberts tells us we’re getting back to the action? I think I am watching something different because I’m not seeing much action.
[5:03:36 PM] Brad says: Bradley Cooper sporting a porn-stache as he’s the latest to be interviewed in the Oscar Rainforest Cafe set.
[5:05:38 PM] Brad says: Disappointed Glenn Close and Janet McTeer didn’t show up dressed as men.
[5:06:20 PM] Laremy says: 25 minutes away! I’m more excited than a Pointer Sister!
[5:06:29 PM] Brad says: Glenn Close is happy the fans have come out to show their appreciation for what they do. You know, because the money wasn’t appreciation enough.
[5:12:42 PM] Laremy says: Where’s Angelina?
[5:13:23 PM] Laremy says: Remember when Sandra Bullock won for The Blind Side? No seriously, that happened.
[5:16:08 PM] Brad says: We have about 15 minutes until the show starts so I’m going to hit a page break… please join us on page 2.