A ton of new posters have recently found their way online and instead of doing twelve individual posts or just ignoring a few of them I figured I’d give you a gallery update all at once as I have a pair of new banners for The Avengers to share, a first look at the teaser poster for The Expendables 2, a portrait poster of Sacha Baron Cohen as The Dictator, a pretty cool “Capitol” poster for The Hunger Games and IMAX poster for John Carter and a few more after that.
In all there are 12 posters in the gallery, which you can access using the thumbnails directly below and I’ve also added a few new movie stills to the site recently that I’ve included links to at the end of this post. So… enjoy.
- Contraband (10 new pictures have been added to the gallery)
- American Reunion (2 new pictures have been added to the gallery)
- Salmon Fishing in the Yemen (The first 2 pictures have been added to the gallery.)
- Think Like a Man (The first 2 pictures have been added to the gallery.)
- Battleship (17 new pictures have been added to the gallery)
- War Horse (18 new pictures have been added to the gallery)